Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB)

“If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.” — old Chinese proverb
The Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) Program is a 41 hours long educational training developed by Paul & Eve Ekman and Alan Wallace. CEB includes scientifically based information about the nature of emotions, especially the Big Seven Universal Emotions (fear, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust, contempt and happiness), and practical exercises designed to help participants become more aware of emotions as they arise in themselves and in others. We will utilize the experience of emotion as a path for developing the happiness of being, for ourselves and in relationship to others.
“Each of us literally chooses, by his ways of attending to things, what sort of a universe he shall appear to himself to inhabit.” — William James
Through the Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) Program you will EXPERIENCE:
  • Increased Awareness and Clarity to recognize the difference between constructive and destructive emotions, the hedonic and genuine happiness.
  • Focus on what you choose and what really matters to you.
  • Presence in your daily personal and professional life.
  • Structure to work with these new discoveries and integrate them in your daily life – personally and professionally.
  • Support, love and care through the entire period to feel safe and understood, to experiment and try out different behaviors and mindset, to get through the tough times and be grateful for success.
  • Belonging to a likeminded group of people who are also looking to transform their lives.
  • Courage to be yourself – authentic, curious, powerful, sensitive, determined, vulnerable, inspiring.
  • Calm and peace through the meditation practice and mindful movement.
  • Transformation through your increased awareness, self-compassion, behavioral change and action taking.
  • Accountability – with so much on your plate every day, you will be held accountable for what you are committing to, for what is really important to you and for not slipping back into old behaviour patterns.
“If you get into the habit of looking at thoughts the moment they arise and letting them dissipate before they take hold of you, it will be much easier to retain mastery of your mind and to deal with the conflicting emotions in the thick of everyday activities.” — Matthieu Ricard
The Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) Program will FOCUS on:
  • Strengthening self-awareness and presence
  • Cultivating genuine vs hedonic happiness
  • Conative, Attentional, Cognitive and Emotional Balance
  • Focus and attention training
  • Exploring emotions from a constructive and destructive perspective
  • Working with the Big 7 Universal Emotions: anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, surprise, contempt
  • Emotion regulation
  • Working with Emotional Episode Timeline
  • Emotions vs moods, traits, disorders
  • Reaction vs response
  • RAIN practice
  • Working with hot triggers
  • Loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, equanimity
  • Mindfulness of the body, mind, feelings and phenomena
  • Mindful listening and speaking
  • Meditation and mindful movement
  • Self-reflection
  • Group dialogue and exercises
  • Weekly home assignments
Extras for the In-depth Program
  • 5 individual mindfulness coaching sessions
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” — Victor Frankl
After completing the Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) Program you can EXPECT to:
  • Understand and recognize the nature of emotions and how to respond constructively to emotional episodes
  • Understand the motivational, attentional, cognitive and emotional balances, and how to cultivate a balanced emotional life
  • Develop focus, clarity, flexibility, creativity, empathy, self and social-awareness, loving-kindness and compassion
  • Understand the difference between inner and outer happiness, and learn how to cultivate them
  • Increase adaptability to change, flexibility and resilience
  • Develop strategies to respond wisely to emotions and challenges
  • Develop inner and outer trust, strengthen relationships and reduce conflicts
  • Reduce stress, stress related illnesses, anxiety and burnout
  • Transform your life from inside
  • Life-long access to materials that will support you in integrating the learning and the new habits in your daily life to make life-long changes
  • Life-long access to a supportive and like-minded community
“That great obstacle is always the representation and never the reality.” — Etty Hillesum
  • Life-time access to the tools and materials used in the program
  • Life-time access to the guided meditations
  • The possibility to listen to the recording of a missed session
  • The possibility to take the course from wherever you are in the world
  • A buddy to support you and keep you accountable through the journey
  • Life-time access to our “Cultivating Emotional Balance” community
  • 10% discount to any next program you register
  • 10% discount if you’re a student, unemployed, or retired
  • 10% discount if you bring a friend/colleague
“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” — Mother Teresa
Who is your Mindfulness Teacher and Coach?
Carmen Manea is a courageous, curious and determined coach and mindfulness teacher. She is a certified Co-Active Institute & International Coach Federation leadership coach, a Cultivating Emotional Balance & Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher and has 15+ years business experience in companies as Coca-Cola and LEGO Group.
She is specialized in the areas of mindfulness, stress reduction, emotional balance, emotional intelligence, resilience, self-compassion, presence, self-awareness, authentic leadership, women in leadership, diversity & inclusion, impostor syndrome & inner critic. Since 2015 she has been teaching and coaching people from more than 30 countries, on four continents, with very different personal and professional backgrounds.
Carmen’s strengths are courage and curiosity, active listening and communication, empathy, the ability to create safe and trusting relationships, multicultural understanding, loving-kindness, compassion, determination and resilience.
She is sensitive yet strong, loves nature, and is genuinely interested in people and cultures. She can be very active (running marathons, hiking in the mountains, diving and practicing yoga) and very still (meditating, reading, making jigsaw puzzles and reflecting).
“When anger or any other afflictive emotion begins to hatch in your mind, you will be able to identify it on the spot and be able to deal with it before it gets out of hand. It’s a little like knowing the identity of a pickpocket: Even if he mingles with the crowd, you can spot him immediately and keep your eye on him so that he won’t be able to steal your wallet.” — Matthieu Ricard
What previous participants say about working with Carmen:
Rikke Agergaard HR Consultant, Denmark
I would warmly recommend Carmen’s courses to anyone who wants to cultivate awareness, balance and take responsibility for their emotions and personal growth and development – whether it is in the personal life or professional life. Some important lessons for me was that Carmen taught me to recognize the automatic storylines in my head and deal with emotions in a more reflected way; When a feeling arises you always have the opportunity to stop and choose how/if you want to react to it. The classes with Carmen always left me with more calmness, clarity and with several important personal realizations. Carmen created a safe space for us in the class, and also she managed to create a sense of community between the participants, in which I think we all felt deeply connected as human beings, realizing that we all to some degree deal with the same emotions. This was deeply touching to experience.
Maja Birk Teacher, Denmark
Jeg har deltaget i tre kurser med Carmen – Meditation & mindfulness, Cultivating Emotional Balance, og Self-Compassion. Alle tre kurser har givet mig et sundt og varmt syn på mig selv, mine følelser og det har lært mig at forstå min omverden på en åben og medfølende måde.
Jeg vil varmt anbefale denne kurser til dig, der har brug for at gå på rejse med dig selv og sammen med andre eller dig, der blot er nysgerrig på, hvordan du finder en indre ro, som du kan tage med dig videre – der er ikke noget krav om, hvad du skal kunne, du skal blot være åben og du kan bruge øvelserne lige præcis som de passer ind i dit liv og din verden. Der er ingen løftede øjenbryn, og du bliver mødt med varme, smil og en åbenhed, som er svær at lade ligge, når kurset er færdig.
Jeg har lært mig selv utroligt godt at kende gennem de tre kurser. Blandt andet gør jeg brug af Emotionel Episode Timeline, som er et fantastisk redskab i hverdagen og til at forstå følelser – uden at skulle underkende dem. Jeg har lært at acceptere tingenes tilstand og lade følelserne være til stede, både de gode og de mindre gode. Compassion-øvelsen var fantastisk fordi det skaber udsyn, medfølelse og forståelse. Til sidst vil jeg også nævne Wise Breaks, som gør mig bedre i stand til at klare vanskelige situationer både ude og hjemme.
Mindfulness har bragt meget glæde ind i mit liv, og jeg vil varmt anbefale og ønske for alle at de prøver kurserne.
Dennis Stenbjerg HR Business Partner, Denmark
Carmen er meget rolig og møder folk hvor der de er, med stor åbenhed og uden at dømme. For mig åbnede hun døren til nye perspektiver på mig selv og mine omgivelser.
Sofie Kvist Nature Guide, Denmark
Carmen is a kind, warm and insightful teacher with a big knowledge and experience in the field of mindfulness.
Roseanne Kimber Master Student, Denmark & UK
If you are looking to manage your stress levels or to cultivate some peace, Carmen is the perfect Mindfulness Trainer for you! I loved attending her classes and always felt positive and calm after the sessions.
Raluca Lucacel Psychologist, Denmark & Romania
The best way to let go and enjoy! My work as a psychologist has always made me curious about different methods which allow the person to better understand themselves, their thoughts and behaviors and learning to be in the present, not future or past, so when I heard about Carmen’s program I was very eager to participate. After attending six or more sessions, I can really say that mindfulness has a lot of benefits (stress reduction, focus, less emotional reactivity, more cognitive flexibility), and helped me both personally and professionally. Carmen offered great guidance in my first steps in this new practice. She would always explain every step of the way, she adapted the steps so they would be a really good fit for everyone involved and basically she was there for us as human beings. After every session, I was feeling very relaxed, always had a good night sleep and a lot of energy for my future actions. Personally and professionally I would recommend everyone an experience like this.
Andrea Urban-Krein Teacher, London, UK
Carmen was the person who helped me getting through a rickety bridge just by “holding the tip of my finger”. She is always there with the right questions to direct you in a gentle way. Makes you think and helps you throughout this personal journey.Her calming voice in meditations and during yoga practices made me relaxed, calm and feel safe. I have done mindfulness courses before but they weren’t successful without the personal touch. Carmen was the person who was by my side on the journey, teaching me how to be non-judgemental, how to break my bad habits, how to stay calm and how to transform. Thank you!
Karen Buchanan Researcher/Coach/International Development Consultant, UK & Germany
Carmen is a gifted teacher and using incremental approach, guided us on our individual journey to a more mindful way of living. Through experiential learning, every weekly session allowed me to better understand mindfulness and the tangible benefits the practice can bring me. After every session, and particularly after the all-day retreat, I felt a wonderful inner peace and better able to cope with change and uncertainty. I warmly recommend Carmen’s course to you!
Hilda Nalwanga Legal Consultant, Denmark
Carmen is a wonderful and good teacher who has the ability to convey emotionally hard subject matter in a good and constructive way.
“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.” — Henry David Thoreau
The Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) Program tailored for you:
“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” — Lao Tzu
General practicalities
  • Course duration: 41 hours over 16 weeks
  • Dates: weekly on Mondays:
    • Opening Sessions – Mar 1, 18.00-21.00 CET (3 hours)
    • Sessions 2-15 – Mar 8, Mar 15, Mar 22, Mar 29, Apr 5, Apr 12, Apr 19, Apr 26, May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31, Jun 7 18.00-20.30pm CET (2,5 hours each)
    • Closing Session – Jun 14, 18.00-21.00 CET (3 hours)
    • [check your local time here (Copenhagen time zone)]
  • Place: online live, via Zoom
  • Group size: max 20 participants
  • Registration: Sign up and pay latest one week before the course starts
  • Companies & Organizations: Different pricing may apply. Contact Carmen for a quote.
  • Teacher & Coach: Carmen Manea, certified CTI & ICF coach, CEB & MBSR teacher
“I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, we all are seeking something better in life. So, I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness.” — H. H. Dalai Lama
Sign up and get your emotions in balance!

    The registration for this cohort (starting on 01 Mar 2021) is closed.
    If you’re interested in being notified when the next course is scheduled, please fill in below form.

    “The way we protect ourselves from loss may be the way in which we distance ourselves from life.” — Rachel Naomi Remen
    CM CAMP | Carmen Manea | Coaching & Mindfulness CAMP

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    CM CAMP | Carmen Manea | Coaching & Mindfulness CAMP

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