Coaching Presence – Cultivating Mindfulness, Emotional Balance and Compassion for Coaches

“If you love someone, the greatest gift you can give them is your presence.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
Coaching Presence – Cultivating Mindfulness, Emotional Balance and Compassion for Coaches addresses all coaches who are interested in increasing the quality of their coaching practice and the quality of their own life.
The course is structured in 4 modules, each module building on the previous one. Even if many of the concepts might be familiar, we work with them from many different perspectives and at a deeper level, in order to better understand them, ease the embodiment and integration in our work with coaching clients.
“The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping the old ones, which ramify… into every corner of our minds.” — John Maynard Keynes
Through the Cultivating Presence Program you will EXPERIENCE:
  • Clarity to recognize the difference between the challenges and the real stressors, the difference between constructive and destructive emotions, the hedonic and genuine happiness, and the yin and yang compassion.
  • Focus on what you choose and what really matters to you.
  • Presence of your course colleagues and your mindfulness coach, as well as yourself.
  • Structure to work with these new discoveries and integrate them in your daily life – personally and professionally.
  • Support, love and care through the entire period to feel safe and understood, to experiment and try out different behaviours and mindset, to get through the tough times and celebrate success.
  • Belonging to a likeminded group of wonderful coaches who are here to transform and in the same time to support you through your own transformation.
  • Courage to be yourself – authentic, curious, powerful, sensitive, determined, vulnerable, inspiring.
  • Calm and peace through the meditation practice and mindful movement.
  • Transformation through your increased awareness, self-compassion, behavioural change and action taking.
  • Accountability – with so much on your plate every day, you will be hold accountable for what you are committing to, for what is really important to you and for not slipping back into old behaviour patterns.
“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” — John Kabat Zinn
Module 1 – Cultivating Mindfulness – Awareness, Presence and Self-Regulation – 8 weeks (20h)
The first module of the Coaching Presence Program will FOCUS on:
  • The definition of mindfulness and its integration in daily life
  • Increasing self-awareness and presence
  • Identifying habitual patterns and behaviors and learn how to make sustainable change
  • Increasing mind-body connection
  • Recognizing and managing stress and stress reactivity
  • Moving from reactivity into responsivity
  • Perceptions and making choices
  • Emotions & habitual patterns
  • Working with difficult moments
  • Mindful listening and speaking
  • Cultivating silence, curiosity, beginners mind, non-judgement, acceptance & letting go
  • Meditation, mindful movement, mindful eating
  • Self-reflection
  • Group dialogue and exercises
  • Weekly home assignments
“In my view the most important meaning of mindfulness is recollection. In other words, mindfulness is the ability to gather oneself mentally and thereby recall one’s core values and motivation… It suggests bringing presence of mind into everyday activities.” — H. H. Dalai Lama
Module 2 – Cultivating Emotional Balance – 16 weeks (40h)
The second module of the Coaching Presence Program will FOCUS on:
  • Strengthening self-awareness and presence
  • Cultivating genuine vs hedonic happiness
  • Conative, Attentional, Cognitive and Emotional Balance
  • Focus and attention training
  • Exploring emotions from a constructive and destructive perspective
  • Working with the Big 7 Universal Emotions: anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, surprise, contempt
  • Emotion regulation
  • Working with Emotional Episode Timeline
  • Emotions vs moods, traits, disorders
  • Reaction vs response
  • RAIN practice
  • Working with hot triggers
  • Loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, equanimity
  • Mindfulness of the body, mind, feelings and phenomena
  • Mindful listening and speaking
  • Meditation and mindful movement
  • Self-reflection
  • Group dialogue and exercises
  • Weekly home assignments
  • 40h group training (16 weeks x 2.5h/week)
  • Dates & time: every Thursday, 3.00-5.30pm CET: Nov 26, Dec 3, Dec 10, Dec 17, Jan 7, Jan 14, Jan 21, Jan 28, Feb 4, Feb 11, Feb 18, Feb 25, Mar 4, Mar 11, Mar 18, Mar 25 [check your local time here (Copenhagen time zone)]
  • Place: online live via Zoom
“I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, we all are seeking something better in life. So, I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness.” — H. H. Dalai Lama
Module 3 – Compassion and Self-compassion – 8 weeks (20h)
The third module of the Coaching Presence Program will FOCUS on:
  • The definition of compassion and self-compassion and its integration in daily life
  • Deepening mindfulness, loving-kindness and compassion – create your own practice
  • Self-criticism, shame, disconnection, forgiveness, motivation, safety, equanimity
  • Core values and purpose
  • Listening and speaking with compassion
  • Meeting difficult emotions with compassion
  • Working with challenging relationships
  • Meeting unmet needs
  • Cultivating happiness, gratitude, appreciation and self-appreciation
  • Meditation & mindful movement
  • Self-reflection
  • Group dialogue and exercises
  • Weekly home assignments
“Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves.” — Pema Chodron
Module 4 – Embodiment and Professional Integration – 4 weeks (10h)
The fourth module of the Coaching Presence Program will FOCUS on:
  • Living and working with increased (self-)awareness
  • Embodying presence, curiosity, beginner’s mind, loving-kindness, compassion
  • Embodying mindful listening and speaking
  • Cultivating trust and safety
  • Following intuition
  • Meeting difficult emotions and self-management
  • Setting boundaries
  • Core values and purpose in the coaching relationship
  • Cultivating happiness, gratitude, appreciation and self-appreciation
  • Meditation & mindful movement
  • Self-reflection
  • Group dialogue and exercises
  • Weekly home assignments
“When we give ourselves compassion, we are opening our hearts in a way that can transform our lives.” — Kristin Neff
After completing the Coaching Presence Program you can EXPECT to:
  • Take your coaching practice to the next level and serve your clients the way they deserve
  • Experience increased (self-)awareness, focus, concentration, creativity and energy
  • Reduce the stress levels, stress reactivity, stress related illnesses, anxiety and burnout
  • Understand the mind-body connection and the signals your body is sending to you, being able to act timely in stressful or unpleasant situations
  • Be better at managing your emotions and increased resilience
  • Understand the patterns of your mind and know how to change behavioral patterns
  • Accept yourself for who you are and show up authentically
  • Be more skillful at setting your boundaries
  • Experience more (self-)kindness and (self-)compassion
  • Be bolder and more confident while still caring and vulnerable
  • Be a better active listener and be comfortable with silence
  • Increased inner and outer trust, stronger relationships and less conflicts
  • Be motivated and courageously take action for achieving your goals
  • Accept criticism and praise without depending on it or taking it personally
  • Navigate graciously in difficult conversations
  • Pause, notice, assess, respond and move on
  • Have a strong and caring circle of coaches globally who will be there for you
“Stand still like a mountain, flow like a river.” — Lao Tzu
  • Life-time access to the tools and materials used in the program
  • Life-time access to the guided meditations
  • The possibility to listen to the recording of a missed session
  • The possibility to take the course from wherever you are in the world
  • A buddy to support you and keep you accountable through the journey
  • Life-time access to our “Coaching Presence” community
  • 10% discount to any next program you register
  • 10% discount if you bring a friend/colleague
“If one is cruel to himself, how can we expect him to be compassionate to others?” — Hasdai Ibn Shaprut
Who is your Mindfulness Coach?
Carmen Manea is a courageous, curious and determined coach and mindfulness teacher. She is a certified Co-Active Institute & International Coach Federation leadership coach, a Cultivating Emotional Balance & Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher and has 15+ years business experience in companies as Coca-Cola and LEGO Group.
She is specialized in the areas of authentic leadership, women in leadership, diversity & inclusion, impostor syndrome & inner critic, stress management, coaching presence, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, emotional balance and self-compassion. Since 2015 she has been coaching coaches and leaders from more than 30 countries, on four continents.
Carmen’s strengths are courage and curiosity, active listening and communication, empathy, the ability to create safe and trusting relationships, multicultural understanding, loving-kindness, compassion, determination and resilience.
She is very curious, sensitive yet strong, loves nature, people and cultures. She can be very active (running marathons, hiking in the mountains, diving and practicing yoga) and very still (meditating, reading, making jigsaw puzzles and reflecting).
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” — Carl Rogers
What other fellow coaches say about working with Carmen:
Sarah Manion Health Coach, UK
Carmen has been my coach for the last 6 months or so and it has been a wonderful experience. I felt comfortable talking to Carmen from the outset and she skillfully challenged me while remaining compassionate and supportive. Carmen has helped me recognise and utilise my strengths and values and I have grown in confidence throughout the time we have been working together. I am now more connected with myself and what is important to me and I have learnt many techniques to support me in making decisions and discovering the possibilities open to me in my life. I would definitely recommend Carmen as a coach.
Catalina Saffon Legal Advisor & Coach, Switzerland & Spain
The MBSR course invited me to be more aware of certain patterns and how do they relate to stress reaction. It has also taught me to notice and observe without judgement and live mindfully. Carmen is an excellent teacher who guided me through a process where I encountered a lot of resistance. Carmen created a space of trust and gentleness. She motivated me to learn and go beyond limitations. She generated insightful discussions, as well as her wise presence during silent moments of practice. She is the best example of someone who lives mindfully from inside-out. Thank you!
Karen Buchanan Researcher/Coach/International Development Consultant, UK & Germany
Carmen is a gifted teacher and using incremental approach, guided us on our individual journey to a more mindful way of living. Through experiential learning, every weekly session allowed me to better understand mindfulness and the tangible benefits the practice can bring me. After every session, and particularly after the all-day retreat, I felt a wonderful inner peace and better able to cope with change and uncertainty. I warmly recommend Carmen’s course to you!
Shelly-Anne McKay Coach, Consultant & Media Producer, Canada
Carmen is an incredibly gifted and compassionate teacher. I participated in the MBSR class and it was truly life-changing. I have always struggled to manage stress. Sometimes it was quite debilitating. Now I have the awareness and skills to be more in charge of what my experiences are in so many areas of my life. My stress levels have dramatically changed. What a gift this has been to carve out this time for myself. Thank you Carmen!
Sherry-Lynne Kirschner Teacher, Canada
I have been fortunate to have Carmen as my coach from November 2016 to the present. She is a very kind and sensitive teacher who is able to use her education, skills and diverse background experience to establish and maintain a trusting relationship in an authentic way. As I proceeded through our sessions together, I noticed how she has an intuitive sense of when to inspire growth and forward movement and when to hold space and offer more of a supportive role. She not only provided and taught me a plethora of useful techniques but also was able to enrich and deepen strategies that have proven successful for me in the past. I was constantly amazed at her ability to not only navigate but also shift my emotional storms, always with the upmost grace and presence. I highly recommend working with Carmen. She is truly a gift!
Raluca Lucacel Psychologist, Denmark & Romania
The best way to let go and enjoy! My work as a psychologist has always made me curious about different methods which allow the person to better understand themselves, their thoughts and behaviors and learning to be in the present, not future or past, so when I heard about Carmen’s program I was very eager to participate. After attending six or more sessions, I can really say that mindfulness has a lot of benefits (stress reduction, focus, less emotional reactivity, more cognitive flexibility), and helped me both personally and professionally. Carmen offered great guidance in my first steps in this new practice. She would always explain every step of the way, she adapted the steps so they would be a really good fit for everyone involved and basically she was there for us as human beings. After every session, I was feeling very relaxed, always had a good night sleep and a lot of energy for my future actions. Personally and professionally I would recommend everyone an experience like this.
Sam Kirschner Business Owner, Canada
I was lucky enough to work with Carmen as my coach for the past 6 months. I have learned to develop strategies that will help me with emotional regulation and new career opportunities. Her kind and gentle nature inspired connection and trust. I appreciated her encouragement and support during challenging times. If anyone is looking for a unique personal growth opportunity, I would highly recommend having Carmen as a coach.
“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us “universe”, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest…a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our talk must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” — Albert Einstein
The Coaching Presence Program tailored for you:
“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice” — Brian Herbert
General practicalities
  • Course duration: 90h over 1 year (October 2020 – September 2021)
  • Date & Time: See the details in the individual modules
  • Place: online live, via Zoom
  • Group size: max 20 participants
  • Early Bird: Sign up and pay latest one month before the course starts and get a reduced price
  • Registration: Sign up and pay latest one week before the course starts
  • Teacher & Coach: Carmen Manea, certified CTI & ICF coach, CEB & MBSR teacher
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” — Marianne Williamson
Offer yourself the love you deserve and the world the coach it needs! Join us!
The registration for this cohort (starting on 01 Oct 2020) is closed. If you’re interested in being notified when the next course is scheduled, please fill in below form.

    “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. We need not wait to see what others do.” — Mahatma Gandhi
    CM CAMP | Carmen Manea | Coaching & Mindfulness CAMP

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    CM CAMP | Carmen Manea | Coaching & Mindfulness CAMP

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